Weekly market report

Report contains information on key trends and events of the grain market in the Black Sea and Danube countries, provides analysis and forecasts for the short- and long-term market development.

Reports provide analytics of the following sectors:

  • Wheat market
  • Corn market
  • Barley market
  • Processed products

Country coverage:

Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Moldova, Kazakhstan.

Market coverage:

  • UkrAgroConsult headlines
  • Topics of the week with expert opinions
  • Market trends and short- and long-term forecast
  • Grain prices, FOB, EXW
  • Grain market review
  • Crop forecast
  • Logistics review with grain exports from Black sea ports, auto and railways
  • Foreign economic activity
  • Fieldwork & crop conditions
  • Company news. Key market players performance. M&A
  • S&D balance


The Weekly Report is accompanied with a Daily Report, which includes:

  • Daily domestic and export prices
  • Futures prices of the world’s largest exchanges
  • Deals on the world market (Tenders)
  • Harvest forecast, crop conditions, field work

The Weekly Report is accompanied with a Weekly statistics Report, which includes:

  • Export statistics by commodities and country destination
  • Vessel lineup from Black sea ports
  • Production of grain products (flour, bread, macaroni, noodles, fodders, groats)
  • Grain stocks
  • S&D balance estimates from UkrAgroConsult
  • S&D balance estimates from USDA

Our monthly reports with the latest estimates and forecasts are the perfect complement to daily and weekly updates

Reports are sent by e-mail in PDF format, Statistic reports in EXL format.

Subscription is available for 3, 6 and 12 months.

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