Zakhidny Bug in Lviv region enlarged a bank land by 1,700 hectares

Private enterprise Zakhidny Bug in Lviv region enlarged a bank land by 1,700 hectares, up to 53,000 hectares after purchase of the enterprise Hai Halychyny LLC.

As the company wrote on Facebook on Wednesday, now the company’s agrochemical laboratory is analyzing the soils to determine the crops for which the newly acquired territory will be the most favorable place to grow, and is also working over the recommendations for nutrition and protection of these crops. Afterwards, the soils will be prepared for cultivating new crops.

As reported, Zakhidny Bug acquired Hai Halychyny LLC, which provided the buyer with over 50% of the voting shares on the company’s board.

Zakhidny Bug, founded in 2003, is engaged in the cultivation, storage and sale of grain, industrial and feed crops. It rents nearly 53,000 hectares of landd in Lviv and Volyn regions, and since 2019 it also uses lands in Chernivtsi and Ternopil regions.

Hai Halychyny LLC is engaged in the cultivation of grain, legumes and oilseeds.

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