Yields in Mato Grosso are Good, White Mold, White Flies Reported

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The 2021/22 Brazil soybean harvest is getting underway in Brazil especially in the states of Mato Grosso and Parana. The weather in Mato Grosso has been very wet, but a few farmers have managed to harvest some of their early maturing soybeans.

Farmers in the municipality of Campo Novo do Parecis in western Mato Grosso have started to harvest their early maturing soybeans and they are reporting good yields. The first fields harvested were planted in mid-September and were under irrigation and good fertility. Yields are being reported as high as 70 sacks per hectare (62 bu/ac).

According to the president of the Rural Union of Campo Novo do Parecis/MT, later yields in the municipality are not expected to be quite as high, but still higher than last year’s average yield of 58 to 60 sacks per hectare (51.8 to 53.6 bu/ac). As soon as the soybeans are harvested, farmers are planting a second crop of cotton, corn, or popcorn.

Scientists are warning farmers in Mato Grosso to be alert to the presence of white mold and white flies in their soybean fields. The constant wet weather has kept farmers out of the field and scientists are worried that diseases and pests may get a foothold in the state’s soybean fields.

White mold enters soybean fields when the rows start to close within about 45-50 days after planting. Fungicide treatments should start at that time by land applications because the treatment needs to get to the bottom of the plants where the mold proliferates, especially during periods of prolonged wet weather such as happened this growing season. Areal applications are not effective in controlling the disease so farmers should take advantage of whatever open window they may have to make land applications.

White flies have also been reported in soybean fields in Mato Grosso. The insects can cause direct damage to soybeans by sucking out plant juices and indirect damage by transmitting viruses to the soybeans. The insect could be particularly damaging to later maturing soybeans.

Only low levels of infestation have been reported in Mato Grosso, but if left uncontrolled, yield losses could be as high as 10 to 15 sacks per hectare (9 to 13 bu/ac). Yield losses can occur even under low levels of infection.


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