World’s largest biogas plant started running at full capacity in Ukraine

A biogas plant in Khmelnytsky region has been put into operation at full capacity at Teofipol Sugar Plant, a subsidiary of Ukraine-2001.

"This is the first biogas plant in Ukraine and the world's largest in terms of biogas production operating on the basis of highly loaded reactor technology," the report says.

As a reminder, the biogas complex with a cumulative capacity of 15.6 MW on the basis of the sugar plant was commissioned in late 2017. The first phase is powered by sugar beet pulp. Its capacity is 5.11 MW.

"Phase two was put into operation in June 2018, and it ran in test mode. Its capacity is 10.5 MW. The plant operates using corn silage. The station is the same size as the first phase, although it produces twice as much biogas. As a result, the capital costs of its construction were reduced 1.5x," the report says.

In May of the current year, another biogas station with a capacity of 2.4 MW was launched in Kyiv region. The station provides for the processing of 300 t of sugar beet pulp per day on traditional technology.

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