Wheat stocks in Kazakhstan’s storages exceed 10.6 mln tons

Source:  ElDala

At the beginning of October, grain reserves in Kazakhstan amounted to 13.7 million tons, of which wheat – 10.6 million tons. This is reported by the Bureau of National Statistics.

Of the total volume of grain, food stocks amounted to 10.1 million tons, seeds – 566.3 thousand tons and fodder – 3 million tons.

There were more than 8.6 million tons of food wheat in storage, 404 thousand tons in seed stocks and 1.6 million of forage.

According to the statistical department, there are almost 3.8 million tons of wheat in storage of agricultural producers, 3.2 million tons in elevators, 1.8 million tons in farms, 138.5 thousand tons in wholesalers. Stocks of flour millers amounted to 820 thousand tons and 700 thousand tons at other legal entities.

Barley stocks amounted to 1.9 million tons: 836.5 thousand tons – food, 1 million tons – fodder and 98.6 thousand tons – seeds.

In addition, stocks of corn in Kazakhstan amounted to 307.8 thousand tons, rice – 288.9 thousand tons, rye – 27.2 thousand tons, oats – 135 thousand tons, buckwheat – 38.9 thousand tons.

Also, the Bureau of National Statistics reported on the stocks of oilseeds in the country. On October 1, stocks of oilseeds exceeded 967 thousand tons. Of them: food – 906.5 thousand tons, seed – 24.5 thousand tons, fodder – 36 thousand tons.

Of the total volume of oilseeds, legal entities engaged in oilseeds cultivation had 20 thousand tons on the reporting date, oil and fat producers – 93 thousand tons, wholesalers – 29.8 thousand tons, individual entrepreneurs and farms – 202.3 thousand tons, other legal entities – 616 thousand tons.

Sunflower seeds stock amounted to 322 thousand tons. Including food seeds – 318 thousand tons, seed seeds – 2.4 thousand tons, fodder seeds – 1.7 thousand tons.

At the beginning of October there were 99 thousand tons of safflower seeds, 163 thousand tons of rapeseed, 329.7 thousand tons of flax, 36.4 thousand tons of soybean seeds.

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