Wheat stocks in Kazakhstan exceed 12 million tons

Source:  ElDala

In Kazakhstan at the beginning of December, grain stocks amounted to 15.4 million tons, of which wheat – 12.296 million tons. This was reported by the Bureau of National Statistics.

Of the total volume of grain, food stocks amounted to 10.669 million tons, seeds – 1.056 million tons and fodder – 3.701 million tons.

There were more than 9.133 million tons of food wheat in storage, 807.5 thousand tons in seed stocks and 2.355 million tons of fodder.

According to the statistical department, there are more than 4.429 million tons of wheat in storage of agricultural producers, 3.703 million tons in elevators, 2.2 million tons in farms, 160.5 thousand tons in wholesalers. Stocks of flour millers amounted to 909 thousand tons and 810 thousand tons at other legal entities.

Barley stocks amounted to 1.954 million tons: 795 thousand tons – food, 153 thousand tons – seed and 1 million tons – fodder.

In addition, stocks of corn in Kazakhstan amounted to 279.9 thousand tons, rice – 295 thousand tons, rye – 25 thousand tons, oats – 156 thousand tons, buckwheat – 95.8 thousand tons.

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