Wheat stocks in Kazakhstan exceed 11.6 million tons

Source:  Eldala.kz

At the beginning of the year, grain reserves in Kazakhstan amounted to 14.5 million tons, including 11.685 million tons of wheat. This was reported by the Bureau of National Statistics.

Out of the total amount of grain, food reserves amount to 9.877 million tons, seeds – 1.2 million tons and fodder – 3.452 million tons.

There were more than 8.490 million tons of milling wheat in storage, 938 thousand tons in the seed stock, and 2.256 million tons of fodder.

As of January 1, there were more than 5 million tons of wheat in the storages of agricultural producers, 3.9 million tons in elevators, 2.6 million tons in farms, and 388 thousand tons in wholesalers, according to the statistics agency. Flour millers’ stocks amounted to 1.3 million tons and other legal entities’ stocks amounted to 1.154 million tons.

Barley stocks amounted to 1.819 million tons: 713 thousand tons of food barley, 935 thousand tons of feed barley, and 170 thousand tons of seeds.

In addition, Kazakhstan’s corn stocks amounted to 203 thousand tons, rice – 274 thousand tons, rye – 24 thousand tons, oats – 144 thousand tons, buckwheat – 24 thousand tons.

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