Wheat sowing in Argentina started with a two-week delay

Source:  Oleoscope

According to the monitoring data of the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the wheat sowing campaign in Argentina started with a delay of about two weeks, and as of May 30, 601.4 thousand hectares were sown in the country, which is 9.7% of the planned area, while for the last 5 years the average figure for this date reached 20.2%.

At the same time, the current sowing rate is comparable to last year, when Argentina experienced a severe drought, and is significantly higher, with 6.3% of the planned area sown by the end of May 2023.

In addition, it is noted that favorable weather forecasts for growing the cereal and the expected improvement in its yields encourage local farmers to increase the planted area under wheat by about 5.1% for the year – from last year’s 5.9 million hectares to the planned 6.2 million hectares.

Also in Argentina corn harvesting continues, which has already been threshed on 2.26 million hectares, which is 30.1% of the plan. At the moment, 18.19 million tons of corn have been harvested with an average yield of 8.05 tons per hectare. The condition of corn crops has slightly improved – the share of those in poor and very poor condition decreased from 49% to 47%, while in satisfactory condition – increased from 40% to 42%. Good and excellent condition still accounted for 11% of Argentine corn (last year, these figures were 54%, 42% and 4%, respectively).

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