Wheat harvest is progressing rapidly in the US

Source:  Zerno On-Line

By July 14, winter wheat harvest in the United States was harvested from 71% of sown areas. This is reported by the agency Zerno On-Line with reference to the National Agricultural Statistics Service under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (NASS). As of the same date last year, 53% of winter wheat acreage was harvested, while the average for the last five years was 62%.

Spring wheat crop conditions improved last week. The percentage of spring wheat acreage in excellent to good condition rose to 77% (75% a week earlier and 51% a year ago).

The condition of corn and soybean crops remains stable. The share of corn sown in excellent and good condition is 68% (68% a week earlier and 57% a year ago) and soybeans – 68% (68% and 55%).

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