Wheat conditions have deteriorated markedly in France


The condition of wheat, barley and corn crops in France deteriorated last week, according to a report by the state agency FranceAgriMer.

The share of winter soft wheat crops in good to excellent condition fell to 52% (57% a week earlier and 80% a year ago), winter durum wheat to 60% (62% and 67%), winter barley to 53% (55% and 80%), and corn to 81% 83% and 82%).

The pace of wheat harvesting is far behind schedule. By July 15, soft winter wheat had been harvested from 14% of areas (51% on the same date last year and 43% on average for the last five years), durum wheat – from 45% (82% and 76%), winter barley – from 80% (98% and 89%).

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