We targeted China before they targeted us

Австралия Китай

Repairing the bilateral relationship starts with owning up to the seven ways Australia singled out China for hostile treatment and provoked the reprisals against our exports.

For the past nine months, China has blocked Australian exports of coal, cotton, lobsters, timber and meat while also levying anti-dumping duties on Australian wine and barley.

But we must not forget that Australia targeted China before it targeted us.

After signing the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, which also covered investment, we:

  1. Blocked more than 100 Chinese imports using a dumping duty approach inconsistent with World Trade Organisation rules;
  2. Led the charge globally to ban Huawei from the 5G network;
  3. Officially condemned human rights violations in China without shaming neighbouring countries (e.g. India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, etc) for their transgressions or taking moral responsibility for our own Pacific Solution for refugees;
  4. Condemned China for breaching international law by seizing a disputed coral atoll in the South China Sea while ignoring Donald Trump tearing up international agreements such as the Paris Climate Change Accord, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the Iran Nuclear Treaty, and the Medium Range Missile Treaty;
  5. Banned China from promoting its interests and influence in Australia while not blocking other nations from doing so;
  6. Publicly requested the World Health Organisation to investigate the origins of COVID-19 after talking to the Trump administration, but not giving prior notice or let alone having any dialogue with China; and,
  7. Now banned virtually any investment from China or any bilateral co-operation between state governments and universities and their counterparts in China.

In view of these actions, China is accusing Australia of singling it out for special discrimination and has designated us a “hostile supplier”. I think it has a point.

We could find ourselves isolated as other countries continue to not only co-exist with, but forge closer ties with China. The US made China buy more agricultural exports from it. The EU and China have now concluded a “Comprehensive” Agreement on Investment.

A first step would be to recognise that we share responsibility for the breakdown in relations.

And in November, 15 Asia-Pacific nations (including Australia and China) signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement to eliminate about 90 per cent of tariffs on inter-regional trade and establish common rules for e-commerce, trade, and intellectual property.

Following that agreement, Japan and China agreed to work together to uphold and strengthen rules-based multilateral trade and to hold talks with South Korea on a three-way trade deal.

As former trade minister Andrew Robb has written, China contributed two-thirds of the world’s GDP growth in the last 15 years. Diversifying our exports to other markets that can’t match that result won’t be a substitute.

But with media hysteria and megaphone diplomacy, it will be hard to repair the damage to our bilateral relations. It will also be hard for Australia to grow quickly after COVID-19 without China’s market, capital, people exchange and knowhow.

Finding a détente is essential. China insists Australia take “concrete steps” to fix the relationship to allow high-level dialogue to resume.

A first step would be to recognise that we share responsibility for the breakdown in relations and apologise to China for not consulting it before we requested WHO to investigate the origins and handling of COVID-19.

That action, more than any other, turned China against us. Also admit we should have been more sensitive to China’s complaints about our dumping duties on its exports. Such a mea culpa would greatly help.

Second, welcome Chinese investment in all non-strategic industries, infrastructure projects and joint research activities and specify what they are. I would have thought Lion’s juice and dairy drinks, Probuild’s residential and commercial building, and Victoria’s highway construction were in that category.

Third, undertake in future to fully engage with China on any concerns we have with it or it has with us before going public. That does not mean compromising our sovereignty or leaving ANZUS, but it does mean mutually respecting each other as friends, not foes, just as we did before the spat.

President Xi Jinping last week told world leaders that, “China is working hard to bridge differences through dialogue, resolve disputes through negotiations and pursue friendly and co-operative relations with other countries on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.”

Let’s take him at his word and insist on such dialogue after we have taken “concrete steps” to demonstrate our sincerity.

On the other hand, if we are convinced that China is now our enemy, we should say so and cancel all partnership agreements (not just those with universities and state governments) and ban exports of iron ore, copper, aluminium and coal since these go into making military hardware, missiles, and munitions.

Having a bob each way – friend and foe – is not tenable.


Financial Review

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