USDA lowered its forecast for Kazakhstan wheat exports to 9.5 million tons

Source:  Tazabek

The U.S. Department of Agriculture in its April report lowered its forecast for Kazakhstan’s wheat exports to 9.5 million tons in 2023/24 marketing year.
In the March report, the ministry expected exports to reach 10 million tons. Last season, 9.9 million tons were delivered to the world market.

Despite the lower forecast, export volumes should exceed the 2019-22 volumes, which were:

  •  in the 19/20 season – 6.9 million tons;
  • in the 20/21 season – 8.1 million tons;
  • in the 21/22 season – 8.5 million tons.


Kyrgyzstan in 2023, according to the National Statistical Committee, imported 5.2% of imported wheat from Kazakhstan.

In 2022, this indicator was at 3.4%. Earlier, in 2021, wheat shipments from Kazakhstan accounted for 41%.

Starting from 2022, Kyrgyzstan imports 95% of imported wheat from Russia.

According to the USDA methodology, exports are counted for the marketing year instead of the calendar year. The ministry describes this period as the time when the harvest is realized.

The 12-month period, called the marketing year, is calculated separately for each exporting country and crop.

For wheat from Kazakhstan, the marketing year is calculated as the period from September 1 of the current year to August 31 of the following year.

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