USDA forecasts reduction in harvest and exports of Ukrainian rapeseed

usda МСХ США

In 2023/24 MY, Ukraine will produce 3.2 mln tonnes of rapeseed, down 10% from this year.

This forecast was made by the analysts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the May report.

“Although the rapeseed acreage is concentrated in western Ukraine, away from the war zone, it is expected that in 2023/24 farmers will prefer other crops, such as sunseed,” the agency said.

It is noted that about 90% of Ukraine’s production is exported in the form of seeds, with 90% going to Europe.

“Thus, Ukraine is less dependent on access to the Black Sea ports for rapeseed supplies. It is forecasted that in 2023/24 exports will decrease to 2.8 mln tonnes,” the USDA said.

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