USDA experts lowered the forecast of global soybean production and stocks, and increased the estimate of consumption

Source:  GrainTrade
usda МСХ США

In the October report, the USDA experts lowered the forecast of world production and stocks of soybeans, and increased the estimate of consumption, which led to a sharp rise in prices after a long fall.

November futures for soybeans in Chicago yesterday rose 3% to 474 $/t, although they remain 4.7% lower than a month ago, and 5.4% lower than a year ago, due to active exports of soybeans from Brazil and low export demand for soybeans in the United States.

Compared to the September estimates, the soybean balance for 2023/24 MY has undergone the following changes:

  • Estimate of beginning stocks decreased by 1.1 to 101.89 (99.13) mln tonnes due to the adjustment of data for 2022/23 MY.
  • The forecast of world production was reduced by 1.83 to 399.5 (370.24) million tons, in particular for the United States – by 1.14 to 111.7 (116.22) million tons due to a decrease in yields from 3.36 to 3.33 (3.32) t/ha, while for other major producing countries the estimates were left unchanged.
  • The estimate of world exports was reduced by 0.18 to 168.24 (170.86) million tons, in particular for the United States – by 1 to 47.8 (54.2) million tons, while for Brazil it was increased by 0.5 to 97.5 (95.5) million tons.
  • The forecast of world ending stocks was decreased by 3.63 to 115.62 million tons (101.89 million tons in 2022/23 MY, 99.7 million tons in 2021/22 MY and 100.3 million tons in 2020/21 MY), although analysts estimate them at 119.71 million tons. In China, ending stocks will increase by 2 mln tonnes amid a 1 mln tonnes decrease in initial stocks and 1 mln tonnes increase in consumption to 120 (115.7) mln tonnes. For the United States, the reserves estimate was reduced by 1.6 to 78.4 (65.2) million tons.

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