US pork exports climb to Mexico, Korea, ASEAN and Australia – USMEF

Source:  The Pig Site
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US pork exports to Mexico have soared to another record pace in 2023 and April was again a strong month, with volume increasing 9% year-over-year to 80,214 mt, valued at $149.6 million (up 7%), according to a news release from the US Meat Export Federation (USMEF).

For January through April, shipments to Mexico topped last year by 10% in volume (350,270 mt) and 27% in value ($691.3 million). While much of the volume is destined for further processing, the US industry continues to make impressive strides in Mexico’s retail and foodservice sectors.

April pork exports to South Korea totaled 21,336 mt, up 42% from a year ago and the largest since May 2019, while export value climbed 27% to $66.6 million. Through April, exports to Korea were up 13% to 66,395 mt, valued at $210 million (up 1%). Korea recently opened another duty-free quota for imported pork cuts, which primarily benefits Canadian, Mexican and Brazilian pork (the US, EU and Chile already have duty-free access). Eligibility was also recently restored for pork imports from one German slaughter plant located in a region free of African swine fever (ASF).

Pork exports to Australia have made an impressive rebound in 2023, with April exports more than doubling from a year ago to 6,040 mt (up 143% and the highest in two years), valued at $20.6 million (up 123%). Although Australia restricts US pork to processed products and raw material destined for further processing, January-April exports climbed 54% to 16,146 mt, valued at $56.6 million (up 50%).

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