US. Corn and soybean harvest still behind average


The USDA released its 27th Crop Progress report of the growing season Monday afternoon. These reports run weekly through the end of November and look at the progress and condition of various crops on a national and state-by-state scale.


As of Oct. 2, 96% of corn has reached the dented stage, slightly below the five-year average of 97%.

Seventy-five percent of corn is mature, on track with the five-year average.

Twenty percent has been harvested, behind the five-year average of 22%.

In the top 18 corn-growing states, crop condition was rated 52% good/excellent, reflecting no changes for the third week in a row.

Corn Harvest Progress 10-3-22


USDA’s report noted 81% of soybeans are dropping leaves, ahead of the five-year average of 79%.

Just 22% of soybeans have been harvested. The five-year average for this time is 25%.

Soybean crop condition was rated 55% good/excellent, reflecting no change for the third week in a row.

Soybean Harvest Progress 10-3-22


Forty percent of winter wheat is planted, behind the five-year average of 44%.

Fifteen percent of winter wheat has emerged, behind the five-year average of 17%.

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