Ukrainians started eating more poultry and beef and less pork

This year, Ukrainians began to consume more poultry and beef than last year. This year, Ukrainians consumed an average of 27 kg of poultry and 7.4 kg of beef per person. Last year, these figures were 26.2 kg and 7 kg, respectively.

At the same time, pork consumption decreased: in 2023, Ukrainians consumed 19.8 kg of pork per year, while in 2022 it was 20.3 kg.

In line with consumption, production increased: poultry meat was produced by 32 thousand tons to 1 million 285 thousand tons, and beef by 4 thousand tons to 272 thousand tons. The increase in domestic production helped reduce imports of both types of meat by 19 thousand tons. Poultry meat was imported by 17 thousand tons less – 61 thousand tons, and beef by 2 thousand tons less – 5 thousand tons. Pork imports also decreased from 74 thousand tons to 41 thousand tons.

Overall, consumption of pork, beef and poultry increased from 54.1 kg in 2022 to 54.7 kg in 2023. Imports of all three types of meat decreased by 52 thousand tons to 108 thousand tons.

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