Ukrainian wheat exports ahead of last year’s figures, corn exports almost halved

Source:  AgroTimes

As of October 2, Ukraine exported 6 million 676 thousand tons of grain and pulses in 2023/2024 MY, which is 2 million 321 thousand tons less than last year on the same date. This is reported on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

As of October 2, the export of Ukrainian wheat is 3 million 342 thousand tons, which is 211 thousand tons more than last year.

Also Ukrainian agrarians exported 622 thousand tons of barley and 0.7 thousand tons of rye.

Export of Ukrainian corn amounted to 2 million 689 thousand tons, which is 2 million 329 thousand tons or 1.8 times less than in the past.

Also exported 36.5 thousand tons of flour or in terms of grain 48.7 thousand tons, which is 11.6 thousand tons or almost 1.5 times more than in the past.

Preliminary data published by Minagro on exports of cereals and pulses were dated September 29. According to them, in 2023/2024 MY, 6 million 538 thousand tons of grain and pulses were exported.

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