Ukrainian grain exports exceeded 45.2 million tons

Source:  AgroTimes

As of May 24, Ukraine exported 45 mln 402 thsd tonnes of grains and pulses in 2023/2024 MY, up 809 thsd tonnes compared to last year. It is worth noting that the grain exports exceeded last year’s figures for the first time. This is reported on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Exports of Ukrainian wheat amounted to 16 mln 949 thsd tonnes, which is 1 mln 671 thsd tonnes or 1.1 times more than last year.

Ukrainian farmers also exported 2 million 365 thousand tons of barley and 1.4 thousand tons of rye.

Exports of Ukrainian corn amounted to 25 mln 563 thsd tonnes, which is 797 thsd tonnes or 1.03 times less than last year.

In addition, 90.9 thousand tons of flour (or 121.2 thousand tons in terms of grain) were exported, which is 48.0 thousand tons or 1.5 times less than last year.

The preliminary data on grain and pulses exports were published by the Ministry of Agriculture on May 20. According to them, in 2023/2024 MY, 44 mln 427 thsd tonnes of grains and pulses were exported.

As a reminder, the exports of agricultural products in the first half of 2023/24 MY are 17% lower than last year.

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