Ukrainian exports of sunflower oil in March again exceeded 600 thousand tons

Source:  ShareUaPotential

According to preliminary customs statistics, Ukraine exported 608 thsd tonnes of sunflower oil in March 2024, which is the same as in the previous two months and 16% higher than in March 2023.

In total, Ukrainian companies exported 3.8 mln tonnes of sunflower oil in the first seven months of 2023/24 season, compared to 3.2 mln tonnes a year ago. As a reminder, in the calendar year 2023, Ukraine exported 5.7 mln tonnes of sunflower oil for $5 bln (in 2022 – 4.3 mln tonnes for $5.5 bln).

The largest exporters of sunflower oil from Ukraine are Kernel, Bunge, and MHP.

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