Ukraine’s spring sowing campaign is at the finish line: farmers sowed more than 12 mln ha of spring crops

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

On the territory controlled by Ukraine, 6.7 million hectares of oilseeds and 5.4 million hectares of grains and pulses have been planted.

In particular, farmers have already sown more than 96% of grains and pulses:

  • corn – 3 809.4 thou hectares
  • barley – 782.2 thou hectares
  • wheat – 252.5 thou hectares;
  • oats – 163.7 thou hectares;
  • peas – 162.5 thousand hectares;
  • buckwheat – 85.5 thou hectares;
  • millet – 60 thou hectares.

Among oilseeds, sunflower was sown on 4.958 mln ha, soybeans – on 1.829 mln ha.

Sugar beet was planted on the area of 250.1 thousand hectares.

Over the past week, the area under crops increased by 311.7 thou hectares. Chernihiv region sowed the most grains and pulses – 56 thsd ha.

The leaders among the regions are:

  • Poltava region, where 498.4 thou hectares of corn, 6.5 thou hectares of wheat, 73 thou hectares of barley, 8.5 thou hectares of peas and 2.3 thou hectares of oats have been planted.
  • Chernihiv region – 396.3 thou hectares of corn, 2.6 thou hectares of wheat, 13.7 thou hectares of barley, 0.4 thou hectares of peas and 0.9 thou hectares of oats.
  • Vinnytsia region – 314.1 thou hectares of corn, 11.5 thou hectares of wheat, 55 thou hectares of barley, 6 thou hectares of peas and 1.1 thou hectares of oats.
  • Kirovograd region – 300 thou hectares of corn, 8.8 thou hectares of wheat, 46.1 thou hectares of barley, 16.5 thou hectares of peas and 0.4 thou hectares of oats.

Farmers in Volyn and Poltava regions have completed sowing spring grains and pulses. Agricultural producers in Vinnytsia, Odesa, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky and Bukovyna regions have fully completed sowing spring crops.

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