Ukraine’s Lost Crops: An 8 Million-Ton Black Hole in World Stats

Source:  Bloomberg
крадіжки зерна

Millions of tons of crucial crops are being grown in Ukrainian regions occupied by Russia. The problem is that it’s hard to know exactly how much or where it’s really going.

It’s so tricky estimating volumes that some of the most prominent analysts are just cutting those regions held by Moscow out of forecasts altogether.

That’s because as the war grinds on, it’s getting harder to obtain reliable information about how much is being planted and harvested. And while some crops will be consumed in those territories, other amounts are being shipped to Russia or mixed in with Russian grain and sold on the world market.

But NASA’s food security and agriculture program gives a clue of the volumes. About 6.4 million tons of wheat — similar to Bulgaria’s total output — and almost 1.5 million tons of sunflower seeds were harvested in Russia-occupied regions of Ukraine this year, research using satellite imagery shows.

Satellite data show unplanted or abandoned fields in red, along the war’s front lines, July 2023.Source: Satellite data source: PlanetScope. Front lines from Institute for the Study of War and American Enterprise Institute’s Critical Threats Project. Analysis by Joseph Wagner, Shabrinath Nair, and Inbal Becker-Reshef.

Although not enough to tip the global balance, it’s a sizable amount unaccounted for in industry reports that traders use to gauge supplies and exports, which can affect market prices. Plus, inadvertently handling grain from occupied regions could raise legal risks for international merchants.

“We’re talking about a tremendous amount of grain,” said Inbal Becker-Reshef, program director at NASA Harvest. “It’s absolutely critical to have this information out there and transparent, and talking about how much food right now is being harvested and produced.”

Assessing the value and damage of grain grown on occupied land is also important for any claims Ukraine may make for reparations from Russia.

While NASA’s research doesn’t show how much of the grain grown there is being exported, it helps to indicate how much could potentially be mixed in with Russian cargoes, which head to nations including in the Middle East and Africa.

Ukraine’s Wheat Production Dropped a Third After Invasion

Loss of land to Russia has contributed to smaller harvests

Source: USDA

Organizations that forecast supplies face a dilemma on what areas to include. The US Department of Agriculture has said its estimates for Ukraine include Crimea but not other territories occupied by Russia.

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