Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry opposes EU’s readiness to make concessions to Russian agricultural bank

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Ambassador at Large Olga Trofimtseva criticized the possibility that the European Union is ready to make concessions to the Russian bank, which will allow the newly created branch to reconnect with the global financial network in order to preserve the grain deal. She wrote about this in her telegram channel.

Trofimtseva noted that, on the one hand, any opportunities for agricultural exports are “good.” However, according to her, making concessions to a blackmailer “means encouraging him to blackmail further.”

“It is a well-known axiom: a blackmailer does not stop if you fulfill his demands. He just comes up with new demands for blackmail. We will watch,” she added.

As a reminder, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the West of failing to fulfill Russia’s demands under the Black Sea Grain Initiative and said that Moscow was considering withdrawing from it.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry believes that Russia is likely to withdraw from the Black Sea Grain Initiative in July.

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