Ukraine will be able to export 600-650 thousand tons of sugar

Source:  AgroTimes

This year, Ukraine will be able to export 600-650 thousand tons of sugar, according to Nazar Mykhailovyn, acting chairman of the board of the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine (Ukrtsukor).

He explained that in the pre-war period, domestic sugar consumption was estimated at 1 million 250 thousand tons. After February 24, 2024, the balance of demand and consumption has changed somewhat, and given the fact that we unfortunately have occupied territories and a large number of people have left Ukraine, domestic consumption has decreased to 1 million 50 thousand tons of sugar.

“Given this fact, as well as the fact that this year the factories will produce about 1 million 700 thousand tons of sugar, the export potential is 600-650 thousand tons,” said Nazar Mykhailovyn.

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