Ukraine will be able to export 100 thousand tons of sugar in summer

Source:  AgroTimes

Ukraine will be able to export 100 thousand tons of sugar in three summer months.

This was reported in his column for AgroTimes by Oleksandr Korotynskyi, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Food Production of the IPDO NUCA, Director of the SIC “Sugar Beet Production”, member of the Agricultural Committee at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

According to him, according to the Memorandum between the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Ukrtsukr, the maximum quota for sugar exports from September 1, 2023 to September 1, 2024 is 750 thousand tons.

“As of today, we have exported about 650 thousand tons, and for the three summer months we have to export another 100 thousand tons. But this is without the EU countries. Therefore, in the summer we will see a decrease in export shipments,” said Mr. Korotynskyi.

However, in his opinion, if the domestic market is balanced and there is no rush demand, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy may meet sugar producers to increase the export quota.

“After all, the sale of sugar abroad means foreign exchange earnings for the country,” added Mr. Korotynskyi.

As a reminder, the factories are guiding farmers to minimize the costs of growing sugar beet.

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