Ukraine. Trends in the refined sunflower oil market

подсолнечное масло

In 2015-2019, production of refined sunflower oil rose by 74% to a record level. However, this trend was broken by the 2020/21 sunseed crop decline.

The optimistic estimates of the 2021 crop suggest that refined oil production this season will recover.

Refined oil production is stable amid continuing growth in crude sunflower oil output.

At the same time, the increase in refined oil production is much more significant than that in the crude product.

While crude sunflower oil production increased by just 17% from MY 2015/16 to MY 2020/21, output of refined oil gained almost 40%.

UkrAgroConsult forecasts that the production share of the commodity with added value (i.e. refined oil) is going to expand substantially in the future.

More detailed information on the latest trends in oilseeds/vegoils and meals exports, supply and demand balances with breakdown by crop, price behavior, crop conditions and progress in harvesting/planting in the countries of Black Sea Region is available to subscribers for Online Analytics “Black Sea Vegoils” in the new innovative tool for agri market participants – AgriSupp by UkrAgroConsult. Subscribe to a 7-day free trial!

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