Ukraine. Transshipment volumes in the Danube ports reached a record 120 thousand tons per day

Source:  AgroTimes

Ukraine continues to develop alternative export routes, focusing on the seaports of the Danube cluster.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine.

“Before the war, exports through this route amounted to 1.5% of the total, while due to the development of ports on the Danube, this figure increased to 30%,” said Yuriy Vaskov, Deputy Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine.

According to him, the significant reorientation of exports through the Danube ports and the measures taken to develop them have led to a record transshipment of 120 thousand tons per day.

Despite the functioning of the Ukrainian Corridor, the development of the Danube cluster ports remains one of the priorities of the Ministry of Recovery for 2024.

As a reminder, 23 new terminals have been opened in the Danube ports. We also wrote that about $100 million was invested in the infrastructure of the Danube ports.


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