Ukraine. The rains knocked the harvest off schedule for two weeks

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Farmers are two weeks behind their usual harvest schedule due to heavy rainfall in September. Director of the Department of Agrarian Development of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Ihor Vishtak said this, the press service of the department reports.

“On harvesting, we are two weeks behind the usual schedule, but favorable weather forecasts give us confidence that everything will be harvested on time. There are all the tools for this – equipment, fuel, resources. Currently, almost all bread-making enterprises and 23 sugar factories are working,” he said.

Vishtak added that the rainy September significantly reduced the pace of harvesting late crops – buckwheat, corn, sunflower, soybeans and sugar beets.

According to him, the harvest is enough to fully ensure domestic food security and expand export opportunities.

The average yield of early grain and leguminous crops is 38 t/ha, which is the average for recent years. In addition, harvesting of technical, leguminous and grain crops continues.

According to the preliminary forecast of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, an atmospheric front will leave Ukraine in the near future and it will probably be dry until October 12 in the majority of the territory of Ukraine, and in the future rains are also possible in places in the territory of the Western and Northern regions.

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