Ukraine Sunflower Planting to Sink With Crop Hit Hardest by War


Ukraine, the world’s biggest sunflower producer, may only plant half a normal crop as farmers grapple with the fallout of the Russian invasion.

The country’s sunflower shortfall is likely to compound tight global vegetable-oil supplies, with prices of rivals such as palm and canola trading near record highs. Ukrainian sunflower oil is typically shipped across Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Buyers are already bracing for shortages and shoppers are hoarding supplies.

Ukrainian farmers are expected to sow about 3.5 to 4 million hectares (8.6 to 9.9 million acres) of the oilseed this spring, down from 6.8 million last year, Kyiv-based analyst UkrAgroConsult said in an emailed note. It framed its planting estimates as “optimistic,” based on good weather and a rapid end to the war.

Farmers lack fuel and are suffering damaged infrastructure and equipment, UkrAgroConsult said. Other major crops like corn and barley will also see significant planting cuts. And grains sown before winter, such as wheat, could face lower yields due to challenges applying inputs like fertilizer.

The yellow blooms are Ukraine’s national flower and have also become a global symbol of resistance to the war.



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