Ukraine. Soil moisture shortages prevent plants from growing to an optimal size

Weather conditions. On April 1-10, the entire country was dominated by variable weather with wide daily temperature swings and significant precipitation deficits.

Moisture supply. Moderate winds (even strong ones on some days), the lack of precipitation and low relative air humidity caused intense moisture evaporation from the top soil. Low air temperatures somewhat curbed moisture loss from deeper soil layers. In most areas, winter crops still enjoyed sufficient amounts of effective moisture in the top soil (21 to 35 mm). Occasionally in the west and east of Ukraine, the top soil layer was too wet. The area having insufficient 0-20 cm soil moisture for early spring (11-20 mm) has increased at the expense of the southern regions. In isolated areas in Odesa and Kherson regions the plow-soil layer contained 6-9 mm of moisture. Owing to recurrent temperature drops, the 0-10 cm top soil layer was still wet enough in most areas. The area where this soil layer is already almost absolutely dry has expanded considerably.

Crop condition. Topsoil moisture content and warming allowed farmers to sow early spring grains and pulses much ahead of the long-term average (3-4 weeks earlier). The weather conditions accelerated development of winter crops. Soil moisture shortages prevent plants from growing to an optimal size. Crop condition is good, UkrAgroConsult reports.

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