Ukraine ranks second among honey exporters to the EU

Source:  AgroTimes

Imports of honey from Ukraine to the EU countries in 2022 amounted to 24%, the country ranks 2nd among the exporting countries of the European Community. This was reported by Beehive, a company that exports honey from Ukraine.

“According to Eurostat and the charts of the F.E.E.D.M. (European Federation of Honey Packers and Distributors) association, honey imports to the EU countries from non-EU countries in 2022 amounted to 40%,” the company said.

It is noted that according to preliminary forecasts, the total amount of honey exports from Ukraine in 2023 will be 5-10% more than in 2022.

“We can safely say that Ukraine holds its position in the market and has every chance to increase exports, taking market share from other major players,” the exporting company suggests.

Україна посіла друге місце серед експортерів меду до ЄС

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