Ukraine. NIBULON sunflowerseeds production 27% more productive in 2021


In the 2021 production season, NIBULON completed sunflowerseeds harvesting having reached the best indicator ever for the company — 51.1 thou. t on 22.5 thou. ha.

The company this year achieved a 20.5% increase in sunflowerseeds production compared to last year’s results, and the average yield of the crop improved by 26.8%.

The highest sunflowerseed yields in NIBULON production branches:

  • 3.08 t/ha in Lidievske (Mykolaiv region)
  • 3.05 t/ha in Prybuzhanivska (Mykolaiv region)
  • 3.03 t/ha in Khmilnyk (Vinnytsya region)

The highest average sunflowerseed yield was in the company’s southern region — 2.55 t/ha.

All NIBULON production branches in different regions of Ukraine are currently harvesting corn, which is also forecast to yield record high. For example, the company’s farms in Khmelnytsky and Zhytomyr regions report corn yields of more than 10 t/ha.

Along with the harvesting campaign, NIBULON is completing a complex of autumn fieldwork. Sowing of winter wheat and barley, which in the season of 2022 cover an area of 29.6 thou. ha, has been completed.

The early grains campaign in NIBULON farms was finalized at all-time high indicators in the 2021 production season.

As of 28 October, sunflowerseeds harvesting in Ukraine was 90% done. The average yield stood at 2.31 t/ha.

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