Ukraine. NIBULON Finished Harvesting Corn

Нибулон сбор урожая

NIBULON’s production branches have successfully finished harvesting corn, having harvested 85 dt/ha, which represents one of the best yield results and exceeds Ukraine’s average corn yield this season.

20 branches in 8 regions across the country, located in various climatic areas – on the south, west, and east, conducts production activities. Considering that weather conditions are different in the regions, the company always demonstrates high yields as a result of its efficient agrarian technologies.

In the 2021 season, the company harvested record yields of early grain crops and sunflower. The company has also harvested high corn yields.

NIBULON’s production branches have harvested 133.6 thousand tons of corn on an area of almost 16 thousand ha and demonstrated the high average corn yield of 85 dt/ha this year. This result considerably exceeds Ukraine’s average yield of 74.7 dt/ha (according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy) and is one of the company’s best achievement, thereby testifying NIBULON’s efficient production strategy.



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