Ukraine increases vegetable oil exports to the EU

Source:  OleoScope
соняшникова олія ЄС

From July 1 to December 10 of this year, Ukraine exported more than 1.087 million tons of vegetable oils to the EU countries. These data were published in the report of the European Commission. Shipments of these products increased by almost 16% compared to the same period last year (937.3 thousand tons).

The materials indicate that the supply of Ukrainian sunflower oil to the EU increased by 15% to 913.6 thsd tonnes in more than 5 months. Shipments of rapeseed oil doubled to 80.5 thsd tonnes. Exports of soybean oil, on the contrary, fell by 10% to 93 thsd tonnes.

As for the meal of Ukrainian origin, in the reporting period, its sales to Europe amounted to 673.1 thsd tonnes, compared to 674 thsd tonnes a year earlier. According to the European Commission, exports of soybean and rapeseed meal increased by 32% and 179% to 163.6 thsd tonnes and 109.05 thsd tonnes respectively. Sunflower meal supplies decreased by more than 20% to 400.4 thsd tonnes.

In the oilseeds category, there was a significant decline in sales – from 3.9 mln tonnes from July 1 to December 10, 2022 to 2.1 mln tonnes. Sales of sunflower seeds slowed down sharply in the new season – from 1.22 mln tons to 58 thsd tonnes. Exports of rapeseed decreased from 2.22 mln tons to 1.67 mln tons, and soybeans – from 450 thsd tonnes to 379.8 thsd tonnes.

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