Ukraine in June exported more than 2 million tons of grain, pulsus, oilseeds and products of their processing

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

In June 2022, Ukraine exported 2.17 million tons of grains, pulses, oilseeds and their processing products, which is 470,000 tons or 25% more than in the previous month. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

Exports of wheat increased more than 3 times in June to about 138,000 tons compared to 43,500 tons that were sent for export in May. At the same time, this is significantly less than the 662,000 tons of wheat exported from Ukraine in June 2021 through the working seaports of the country.

Ukraine shipped 26,000 tons of barley for export, which is more than twice the volume of 11,000 tons of this grain exported a month earlier. However, this is less than the 73,000 tons of barley that were shipped from the country during the harvest last year.

The actual export of corn increased in June by 54,000 tons compared to May and amounted to 1.01 million tons. For comparison, in June 2021, the export of corn was at the level of 1.7 million tons. Corn continues to dominate the export of agricultural products, its supply in June accounted for about 47% of the total export of grains, pulses, oilseeds and their processing products.

Ukrainian exporters continued to increase the supply of sunflower. Thus, in June its actual export broke another record, reaching the mark of 540,000 tons, which is almost 60% more than in May of this year. It is also almost three times more than the total sunflower exports of 189.6 thousand tons for the entire previous season.

Soybean supplies during June totaled 71,000 tons, compared with nearly 67,000 tons in May 2022 and 44,000 tons of soybeans sent for export in June last year.

At the same time, soybean oil exports increased in June to 18,000 tons from 16,000 tons in May. This is also almost 5 thousand tons more than what was shipped to foreign buyers in June 2021.

The actual export of sunflower oil amounted to 267,000 tons for the month, which is 65,000 tons more than in May. At the same time, it is 18% less than what was exported in June last year.

As for meal, Ukraine shipped 93,000 tons to foreign markets in June, which is 7,000 tons less than in May. This is also significantly less than the indicators of June last year, when the export of sunflower meal amounted to 265 thousand tons.

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