Ukraine has exported 421.8 thousand tons of sugar since the beginning of 2024


Since the beginning of 2024, Ukraine has exported 421.8 thousand tons of sugar, including 301 thousand tons to the European Union.

This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food following the meeting of the working group on the development of the sugar industry chaired by Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky.

The participants of the meeting discussed, among other things, compliance with the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Ukrtsukr and the implementation of the government decree on the establishment of a zero quota for sugar exports to the EU, which came into effect on June 1.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine (Ukrtsukor) signed a memorandum of understanding in November 2023. The document regulates the volume of sugar exports in the amount of 750 thousand tons per marketing year based on the preliminary balance of supply and demand in the 2023/2024 marketing year.

In total, since the beginning of the memorandum, 665 thousand tons of sugar have been sold.

In May 2024, Ukrainian entrepreneurs sold a total of 158.5 thousand tons, of which 110.5 thousand tons were exported, including 72 thousand tons to the EU.

More than 48 thousand tons were sold on the domestic market at an average price of UAH 24.6 per kilogram.

Ban on sugar exports

In late May, it was reported that the Cabinet of Ministers had suspended sugar exports to the European Union until the end of the year.

In particular, by its decision, the Cabinet of Ministers amended the resolution regulating the export of certain goods to EU member states for 2024 and introduced a new clause on quotas (i.e., the maximum amount of products that can be exported).

Thus, the quota for sugar exports to the EU is zero, which means that exports will be banned from the moment the resolution is published.

“On June 1, the government introduced a zero sugar quota, which will be in effect until the end of the year. However, Ukrainian agricultural producers continue to export sugar to Africa, the Middle East, and the UK,” said Taras Vysotsky, Minister of Agricultural Policy, at the time.

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