Ukraine has caught up with the leaders of the EU sugar beet industry in terms of production


The yield and sugar content of sugar beet this season will allow Ukraine to produce more than 1.8 million tons of sugar. This is a fairly high figure that ensures profitability for farmers and sugar producers.

This was reported to by Oleksandr Korotynskyi, Director of the Sugar Beet Production Research Center.

“If we take the yield of sugar per 1 hectare, Ukraine has reached the indicators of European countries. While last season we had 7.45 tons of sugar per hectare, this season we will reach an average of 7.46 tons per hectare. For Ukraine, this is the second season in a row with an average above 7 tons per hectare.

According to him, this season we have a yield of 480 c/ha, sugar content is 17.3% on average in Ukraine. At the same time, France (one of the leaders in the EU sugar beet industry) barely managed to reach this figure due to rains.

“Sensing such a strong potential of Ukraine, some EU countries see competition in the market and worry about their sugar producers,” says Korotynsky.

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