Ukraine harvested more than 59% of the area under peas, and a third under rapeseed


Harvesting in Ukraine continues and is gaining momentum, Dnipropetrovsk Mykolaiv and Odesa regions have already collected more than a million tons of grain of the new crop each. More than 59% of the area has been threshed for peas, and a third for rapeseed.

According to operational data from the regions, harvesting of early grain and leguminous crops was carried out on an area of ​​2.1 million hectares (18%), 6.5 million tons of new crop grain were threshed, including:

  • 1.2 million hectares of wheat were threshed, 3.8 million tons were threshed;
  • 811.4 thousand ha were threshed with barley, 2.5 million tons were threshed;
  • 75 thousand hectares of peas were threshed, 126.8 thousand tons were threshed.

In addition, farmers of all regions are harvesting winter rapeseed, which has been threshed on an area of ​​400,000 hectares, (33%) threshed 896,400 tons of seeds with a yield of 2.24 tons/ha.

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