Ukraine harvested 71.5 million tons of oilseeds and grains

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Ukraine continues to harvest crops. Agrarians have already harvested 71.5 million tons of new crops, including 51 million 274.5 thousand tons of grains and 20 million 239 thousand tons of oilseeds.

Grain and pulses were harvested on an area of 9,840 thou hectares with a yield of 52.1 c/ha, including

  • 4 694.5 thou hectares of wheat were threshed (yield – 47.7 c/ha), 22 409 thou tons were harvested;
  • corn was harvested on 2 932.3 thousand hectares (yield – 72.4 c/ha), harvested 21 218 thousand tons;
  • barley was harvested on 1 504.5 thousand hectares (yield – 39.2 c/ha), 5 890 thousand tons were harvested;
  • peas were harvested on 154.4 thousand hectares (yield – 25.8 c/ha), 398.2 thousand tons were harvested;
  • buckwheat was harvested on 139.2 thousand hectares (yield – 14.9 c/ha), with a harvest of 206.7 thousand tons;
  • millet was harvested on 79 thou hectares (yield – 22.6 c/ha), 178.9 thou tons were harvested;
  • other grains and pulses were harvested on 336.2 thou hectares, yielding 974.1 thou tons.

Oilseeds were harvested on an area of 8,096 thou hectares, with a total harvest of 20.2 mln tons, including:

  • sunseed was harvested on the area of 4,911.2 thou hectares (yield – 23.5 c/ha), 11,520 thou tons of seeds were harvested;
  • soybeans were harvested on the area of 1 788.8 thousand hectares (yield – 26.3 c/ha), harvested 4 713.2 thousand tons;
  • rapeseed harvesting is completed, it was harvested on an area of 1,396 thousand hectares (yielding 28.7 c/ha), and 4,005 thousand tons of seeds were harvested.

Sugar beet was dug on an area of 211.3 thousand hectares, 10,098.7 thousand tons of sweet roots were dug at a yield of 477.9 c/ha.

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