Ukraine harvested 40.1 million tons of grain

жнива кукурудза

As of November 24, 2022, grain and pulses crops were harvested on an area of ​​9.2 million hectares (82%), with a yield of 4.37 t/ha, and 40.1 million tons of grain were threshed, including:

  • 4.7 million hectares of wheat were threshed (100%), with a yield of 4.12 t/ha, 19.4 million tons were threshed;
  • barley – 1.6 million hectares (100%), with a yield of 3.51 t/ha, 5.6 million tons were threshed;
  • peas – 111.5 thousand ha (100%), with a yield of 2.34 tons/ha, 261 thousand tons were threshed;
  • corn for grain – 2.2 million hectares (53%), with a yield of 6.01 t/ha, 13.5 million tons were threshed;
  • buckwheat – 115 thousand ha (98%), with a yield of 1.37 t/ha, 156.5 thousand tons were threshed;
  • millet – 42.6 thousand ha (95%), with a yield of 2.31 t/ha, 98 thousand tons were threshed.

In addition, collecting:

  • sunflower was carried out on an area of ​​4.5 million hectares (96%), 9.8 million tons of seeds were threshed with a yield of 2.17 tons/ha;
  • soybeans – on an area of ​​1.5 million hectares (97%), 3.6 million tons were threshed with a yield of 2.41 tons/ha;
  • rapeseed – on an area of ​​1.1 million hectares (100%), 3.2 million tons of seeds were threshed with a yield of 2.89 t/ha.

Sugar beets were dug up on an area of ​​166,000 ha (93%), 8.2 million tons of sweet roots were dug up with a yield of 49.5 t/ha.

The agrarian farms of Mykolaiv Region and Odesa Region have finished harvesting this year’s harvest of all agricultural crops.

Agricultural producers of Vinnytsia threshed the most grain – 3.7 million tons of grain.

The highest yield of grain and pulses crops among the farmers of Khmelnytskyi region is 6.56 t/ha.

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