Ukraine harvested 3.6 million tons of new grain crops

Source:  UkrAgroConsult
сбор урожая

Harvesting of early grain and pulses crops was carried out on an area of ​​1.2 million hectares (10%) with a yield of 2.93 t/ha, 3.6 million tons of new crop grain were threshed, including:

  • 588.3 thousand hectares of wheat were threshed, with a yield of 2.88 tons/ha, 1.7 million tons were threshed;
  • 589.6 thousand ha of barley were threshed with a yield of 3.09 t/ha, 1.8 million tons were threshed;
  • 42.1 thousand hectares of peas were threshed, with a yield of 1.84 t/ha, 77.3 thousand tons were threshed.

In general, the leaders in threshing are the agricultural producers of Odesa, who harvested 39% of the area (404 thousand ha) of grain and pulses crops, threshed 982.8 thousand tons of grain, Dnipropetrovsk region – threshed 24% of the area (252 thousand ha), having collected – 709 5 thousand tons of grain. The farms of the Mykolaiv region collected 37% of the area (247 thousand hectares) and threshed 679.2 thousand tons of grain, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine reports.

In addition, farmers of 15 regions began harvesting winter rapeseed, which was threshed on an area of ​​133.7 thousand hectares, (11%) threshed 259.2 thousand tons of concentrate with a yield of 1.94 tons/ha.

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