Ukraine harvested 26.4 million tons of grain

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Ukrainian farmers harvested 26.4 million tons of grain and pulses crops as of the first week of October. The collection area is 6.9 million hectares (62%) with a yield of 3.84 t/ha. In particular:

  • 4.7 million hectares of wheat were threshed (100%), with a yield of 4.1 tons/ha, 19.2 million tons were threshed;
  • 1.6 million hectares of barley were threshed (100%), with a yield of 3.48 tons/ha, 5.5 million tons were threshed;
  • peas were threshed on 110,000 hectares (98%), with a yield of 2.28 tons/ha, 251,000 tons were threshed;
  • 96,000 ha (2.3%) of corn were threshed for grain, with a yield of 4.17 tons/ha, 400,000 tons were threshed;
  • buckwheat was threshed on 58,000 hectares (49%), with a yield of 1.48 tons/ha, 85,000 tons were threshed;
  • millet was threshed on 34,000 hectares (76%), with a yield of 2.26 tons/ha, and 77,000 tons were threshed.

Harvesting of sunflowers, soybeans and sugar beets continues.

Farmers collected sunflower from an area of ​​1.3 million hectares (28%), threshed 2.6 million tons of seeds with a yield of 2 tons/ha.

Soy was harvested from an area of ​​211,000 hectares (14%), 505,000 tons were threshed with a yield of 2.39 tons/ha.

Rapeseed was harvested from an area of ​​1.1 million hectares, (100%), 3.2 million tons of seeds were threshed with a yield of 2.89 c/ha.

Sugar beets were dug up from an area of ​​33.4 thousand ha, (19%), 1.6 million tons of sweet roots were dug up with a yield of 47.1 t/ha.

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