Ukraine: Food industry realities

Author:  Svetlana Kupreeva
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Article author:

Svetlana Kupreeva
Oilseed Market Analyst

Following a decline in 2010-2016, production of margarine products in Ukraine has been gradually restoring over the last four years. The industry has adapted and reoriented itself after a 2015-2016 slump in its performance, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Production in 2019 hit a five-year high of 242.5 KMT. It is expected to decrease in 2020 (-3% from 2019), though remaining above the three-year average.

The structure of margarine products production continues shifting towards special fats. While the 2019 ratio between margarines and special fats was 57:43, in 2020 it is expected to be 54:46, respectively.

Domestic demand for margarine products is fully met, these goods continue to be aimed at foreign buyers.

Now the Ukrainian products are shipped to almost 50 countries, with increasing export shares of the EU and Afro-Asian countries.

The quarantine restrictions considerably change the consumption pattern of foods. Consequently, future developments will in many respects determine further trends in this segment, which has potential for recovery.

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