Ukrainian farmers report premature drying of peas, agronomists have not found an explanation


This year, almost all over Ukraine, peas at the flowering stage simply began to dry out, and this can affect the yield.

This was stated by Maksym Svyrydenko, Regional Manager for the Central Region of NPZ Ukraine, during the All-Ukrainian Day of Agricultural Innovations.

“This year, peas have suffered a lot throughout Ukraine. The reason is not yet known, but there is an opinion that it is a consequence of dust rains with sand from the Sahara Desert. Another option is that there were heavy rains immediately after the peas were sown, which led to significant soil compaction and the plant lacked oxygen. There are areas where there were heavy rains, and the lack of oxygen is a big problem for all spring crops,” says Maksym Svyrydenko.

However, farmers say that in some areas there were no heavy rains in the spring, but they still have the same problem with peas.

According to Maksym Svyrydenko, it is still difficult to say anything about the yield: “In general, it is difficult to predict pea yields before harvesting. Last year, NPZ peas yielded 43 centners per hectare. This season, we see that the number of pods is lower, but the beans are of better quality and have a higher weight of 1000 seeds compared to last year.”

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