Ukraine. Danube ports have almost tripled cargo transshipment

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

During the 11 months of 2022, the ports of the Danube region increased cargo transshipment almost three times. This was reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority.

According to the actual data of the Port Organization Department of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA), 14.5 million tons of cargo were handled by the ports of the Danube region (Izmail, Reni, Ust-Dunaisk) in 11 months of the current year. This indicator demonstrates positive dynamics and growth of cargo processing by 2.9 times (+294%) compared to the same period in 2021.

Including, the cargo turnover of the port of Izmail in 2022 compared to the same period of 2021 amounted to 7.7 million tons (+210.6%), Reni 6.1 million tons (+508.3%), Ust-Dunaysk 662 thousand tons (+1314.7%).

According to the volume of transshipment in 2022, the first position in the cargo nomenclature is occupied by grain.

For 11 months of the current year, the volume of export of agricultural products (oil, bread) from the ports of the Danube region amounted to 6.1 million tons, which exceeds the figure for the same period of 2021 by 42 times.

“Since the beginning of the year, the export of agricultural products (grains, oil) in the Ukrainian Danube ports is about 24 percent of the total volume of the sea ports of Ukraine – comments Oleksiy Vostrikov, head of USPA. – Despite the fact that today the ports of Izmail, Reni, Ust-Dunaysk have used almost all available capacity for cargo transshipment, there is still potential for further development. Namely: modernization and renewal of port infrastructure, attraction of investments for the construction of new terminals, dredging, etc.

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