Ukraine. Crop condition is good and fair

Weather conditions. A brief cold spell occurred all over the country on March 18-24. The average air temperature on March 22-24 ranged from -1.3°С (western regions) to +1.8°C (southern regions).

Moisture supply. An anticyclone dominating the country caused a precipitation deficit. Just locally in the northern, central and eastern regions, the amount of precipitation reached or somewhat exceeded its ten-day normal as the cold weather front crossed Ukraine. It rained and sleeted. Precipitation rates in most regions were at most 0.4-8.9 mm (15-79% of normal). Most winter crop fields had enough effective moisture in the top soil layer (0-20 cm) – from 21 to 40 mm.

Crop condition is good and fair. The current weather conditions allowed growers to start planting early spring crops two weeks earlier than in 2019. They continue planting spring barley and peas. Grain germination is observed in previously seeded fields, UkrAgroConsult reports.

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