Ukraine Completes 2022 Wheat, Barley Harvest

Source:  esmmagazine

Ukrainian farmers have completed the 2022 wheat and barley harvests, threshing 19.2 million and 5.5 million tonnes. respectively, the agriculture ministry has said.

Farmers harvested 4.7 million hectares of wheat and the yield averaged 4.1 tonnes per hectares, the ministry said in a report.

They harvested 1.6 million hectares of barley with an average yield of 3.48 tonnes per hectare.

In 2021, Ukraine harvested 32.2 million tonnes of wheat and 9.4 million tonnes of barley and the ministry has said a fall in the output in 2022 was caused by hostilities in the country’s eastern, northern and southern regions.

Ukraine sowed more than 6 million hectares of winter wheat for the 2022 harvest, but a large area was occupied during the invasion and only 4.7 million hectares were harvested in Ukrainian-controlled territory.

Other Harvests

The ministry also said farms had harvested 400,000 tonnes of corn from 2.3% of the sown area with the yield of 4.17 tonnes.

Farmers also harvested 2.6 million tonnes of sunflower seeds from 28% of the area and 1.6 million tonnes of sugar beet from 19% of the sown area.

The world is heading toward the tightest grain inventories in years despite the resumption of exports from Ukraine, as the shipments are too few and harvests from other major crop producers are smaller than initially expected, according to grain supply and crop forecast data from September.

Elsewhere, the United Nations food agency’s world price index fell for a sixth month in a row in September, receding from all-time highs posted earlier this year after Russia invaded Ukraine.

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