U.S. Corn Improves 2% to 57% GD/EX, Soy Improves 4% to 55%

соя кукурудза soy corn

The condition of the 2023 U.S. corn crop improved 2% last week to 57% rated good/excellent. Twelve states indicated that the corn condition improved, 2 indicated that the condition declined, and 4 were unchanged. Most of the improvements were found across the Midwest while only Minnesota and Texas declined. The top five rated corn states are: Tennessee, North Carolina, Colorado, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The five lowest rated corn states are: Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Kansas.

The central Corn Belt benefited the most from improved weather over the last several weeks. Additional moisture is needed in the northern and northwestern areas, but unfortunately, there is not much in the forecast for that region.

The condition of the 2023 U.S. soybean crop improved 4% last week to 55% rated good/excellent. Sixteen states indicated that the soybean condition improved and 2 indicated that the condition declined. Most of the improvements were found across the Midwest while only Louisiana and Nebraska declined. The top five rated soybean states are: Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. The five lowest rated soybean states are: Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.

In areas with improved moisture, the soybeans have put on additional growth, which probably led to the improved ratings. It remains to be seen if they will be able to fully recuperate from the delayed plant development during June.

The nation’s topsoil moisture improved last week with 10 states indicating improved topsoil moisture and 8 states indicating lower topsoil moisture. Most of the improvements were found in the western and southern areas while most of the declines were found in the central and northwestern areas The five states with the highest soil moisture are: Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Michigan, and Tennessee. The five states with the lowest soil moisture are: Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and a tie between Iowa and North Dakota.

This is the third week in a row of improved soil moisture. The forecast for this week is calling for more rain in the southern two thirds of the Corn Belt with lessor amounts in the northern one third. Approximately 70% of the Corn Belt is doing OK as far as soil moisture is concerned with 30% in need of additional moisture. Given the current forecast, the soil moisture rating may hold steady next Monday.

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