U.S. Corn Declines 2% to 56% GD/EX, Soy Declines 1% to 58%

соя кукурудза soy corn

The condition of the 2023 U.S. corn declined 2% last week to 56% rated good/excellent. Seven states indicated that the corn condition improved last week, 10 states indicated that the corn condition declined, and 1 was unchanged. Most of the improvements were found in the eastern and southern areas while most of the declines were found in the western and northern areas. The top five rated corn states are: Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky, and North Carolina. The five lowest rated corn states are: Missouri, Kansas, Minnesota, Texas, and Nebraska.

As expected, the extreme heat of last week resulted in a decline in the corn condition. With dry conditions expected to prevail across the Corn Belt this week, it is expected that the corn condition will decline again next Monday.

The condition of the 2023 U.S. soybeans declined 1% last week to 58% rated good/excellent. Eight states indicated that the soybean condition improved last week and 10 states indicated that the soybean condition declined. Most of the improvements were found in the eastern and southern areas while most of the declines were found in the western and northern areas The top five rated soybean states are: Tennessee, Ohio, Arkansas, Kentucky, and a tie between Mississippi and Indiana. The five lowest rated soybean states are: Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, and Nebraska.

The soybean condition also declined due to the hot and dry conditions last week. The adverse weather conditions were probably more important for the soybeans than for the corn because soybeans are approaching the end of their reproductive cycle and as such, they are more sensitive to dry conditions.

The nation’s topsoil moisture declined last week with 4 states indicating improved soil moisture while 14 states indicated lower soil moisture. Most of the improvements were found in the eastern areas while most of the declines were found across the Midwest. The five states with the best soil moisture are: Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, and Kentucky. The five states with the lowest soil moisture are: Louisiana, Kansas, Iowa, Mississippi, and Minnesota.

The topsoil moisture declined for the second week in a row which was no surprise given the hot and dry conditions of last week. After a brief period of above average soil moisture, it is now back down to below average and it will probably stay below average for at least the next several weeks. Not a good way to end the growing season.

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