Tunisia held a tender for the purchase of wheat and barley

Source:  Zerno On-Line

January 10, the Grain Agency of Tunisia (ODC) held a tender for the purchase of 50 thousand tons of durum wheat and 50 thousand tons of feed barley with delivery in February. This is reported by Grain On-Line agency with reference to European traders.

The winner was the company Viterra, which will supply 50 thousand tons of durum wheat and 50 thousand tons of feed barley:

  • 25 thousand tons of wheat at $446.97 per ton with delivery from February 1 to 10
  • 25 thousand tons of wheat at $448.73 per ton with delivery from February 5 to 15
  • 25 th. tons of barley at $241.73 per ton with delivery from February 5 to 15
  • 25 th. tons of barley at $242.73 per ton with delivery from February 15 to 25

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